Words Matter…

The team at Memory Lane TV believes that language matters, and it matters to us how we and others talk about the various aspects of living with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.  We realize that some families and professionals who are already well versed in this universe may notice, perhaps with irritation, that in some places on our website we use terms (e.g.  “patient” or “sufferer”, etc.) that we would ordinarily not use in this context.  

But we also understand the reality that people learning about these sometimes difficult, sometimes scary topics for the first time will be searching for helpful information using everyday language and terms, because they aren’t specialists.  They’re just regular folks looking for answers, and maybe some help.  We want to meet people where they are.  That’s why the team at Memory Lane TV has made the conscious choice to optimize the language used on our website to make it as easy as possible for people to find us – even people who aren’t well versed in the preferred nomenclature of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. We apologize in advance for the discomfort that might cause to some of us.

Corporate Partners


Uniguest offers adult care communities a fantastic solution for managing and distributing connected content throughout the entire facility, residence, or community. Memory Lane TV can be integrated into the TouchTown platform for even easier in-community utilization.